History of Generations
The Legend of Next Generation
Once upon a time there lived a humble young shoemaker's apprentice in Sääksmäki, Finland. This boy, Emil, grew to become the founder of shoemaking industry in Finland.
Years later as a technical director at the Aaltonen shoe factory and as right-hand of Emil Aaltonen worked the son of the Partola estate, Pentti Palmroth. This young challenger founded his own factory in the Partola region. The second Finnish shoe-legend was born.
Next Generation descends straight from both of these legendary figures. Next Generation rely on long-standing tradition, but it is at the same time dynamic and modern shoe and boot collection, which brings new innovations and modern design in to the markets.

An Article of the 90-year history of Partola Shoe Factory and it's founder, Pentti Palmroth.

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Pentti Palmrothin haastattelu Partolan Kenkätehtaan alkutaipaleelta. Julkaistu Tammerkoski-lehdessä vuonna 1960.

Genuine - Original
Since 1978

In 1979 a young Italian entepreneur called Renzo Rosso ordered 1600 pairs of Tero's WOMAN/MAN 2000 collection boots for his newly started jeans and fashion business. Rosso's business grew into global brand DIESEL and has sold over 100 000 000 pairs of jeans since 1978.
Milano Micam 1978 & 1979
Sport 2000
Tero's Sport 2000-shoes were part of the uniform of the Olympic team of Finland in the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid.
The 2000-collection was made between 1978-1986. It was manufactured by Aaltosen Kenkätehdas Oy and Hämeen Kenkätehdas Oy.
Vintage Tero Palmroth Shoes from INDY collection 1990

President Ahtisaari wearing Tero's INDY shoes in 1997.
Article: IS 13.11.2023: Ahtisaaren yllätysveto tiukassa neuvottelussa – kysyi yllättävän kysymyksen ja nappasi kengän jalastaan
History of Generations
Download/Print Timeline (In English PDF)
- This is the team behind the success. Pentti Palmroth with his sons Pertti and Juhani Palmroth in the 1950s.
- Pioneering export team in Stocholm Gamla Stan in the late 1950s. Pentti Palmroth, Pertti Palmroth, Pirkko Mannola, Anneli Kangas and Leena Palmroth.
- 1928 Pentti Palmroth establishes Partola Shoefactory.
- 1951 Pentti's sons Pertti and Juhani join the business. Pertti specializes in the design and marketing and Juhani in plant and economics. Brands Viva ja Fiore. VExport business start in the late '50s.
- 1953 Pertti and Leena Palmroth have a son. He is named Tero Pentti Palmroth.
- 1963 Brand name Design Palmroth. is introduced. The company grows and prospers under Pentti Palmroth's management.
- 1965 Pentti Palmroth receives the "Coup d'Or du Bon Gout Francais"-trophy in Paris 1965.
- 1968 Pentti Palmroth dies at the age of 67. Pertti and Juhani do not reach an agreement on how to continue and factories are divided in two, Häme Shoefactory and Partola Shoefactory.
- 1972 Tero designs his first shoes.
- 1974 Pertti's Häme Shoefactory starts using Palmroth Original brand name and Juhani's Partola Shoefactory Original Palmroth name.
- 1976 Pertti's Häme Shoefactory starts using Pertti Palmroth name as brand name and Juhani's Partola Shoefactory Juhani Palmroth name.
- 1977 Partolan Shoefactory/ Juhani Palmroth entrepreneur of the year -award.
- 1978 Tero designs his first own collection Woman/Man 2000. Juhani Palmroth dies at the age of 49.
- 1980 Häme Shoefactory / Leena and Pertti Palmroth Export Business-award from the President.
- 1985 Tero goes after his childhood dream and becomes a professional race car driver in the USA.
- 1986 Partola Shoefactory activity ceases and Juhani Palmroth brand along with it.
- 1988 Tero becomes the first scandinavian driver in a Indy 500 start up.
- 1997 Tero quits his career as a race car driver.
- 2000 Mikko, Tero's half brother from Netherlands, joins the Häme Shoefactory (Hamken LLC).
- 2004 Tero designs Next Generation -shoeline, is produced on a small scale in Tuscany, Italy.
- 2007 Häme Shoefactory (Hamken LLC) tries to stop Tero from using his own name with his collection and sues him to court. All court instances verdicts are in Tero's favour and he can officially use his own name.
- 2011 Häme Shoefactory (Hamken LCC) goes bankrupt. Tero is extending his collection with All Weather -products.
- 2012 Pertti Palmroth LLC goes bankrupt.
- 2014 10 year anniversary of Next Generation Collection.
- 2017 Tero's Next Generation All Weather Shoes are available at more than 100 retailers in Scandinavia.
- 2018 40th Anniversary of Genuine - Original Tero Palmroth Company
- 2018 Brothers Tero and Mikko reached an agreement on how to continue - both with own companies and trademarks. Mikko's Palmroth International LLC wil use trademarks "PaLmroth Original" and "Pertti Palmroth" and Tero's company Focusmer LLC will use trademarks "TERO by Tero Palmroth" and "NEXTGENERATIONSHOES design Tero Palmroth".
- 2019 NEXTGENERATIONSHOE Family will carry on the values of Pentti Palmroth and Partola Shoefactory for the generations to come.
Young Pentti Palmroth and his sister Kirsti (later Karhumäki) at Partola Shoefactory office 1933.
New grandfather Pentti Palmroth with his first grandson Tero 1957.
Leena Palmroth and Viva-shoes 1963.
The founder of Partola Shoefactory Pentti Palmroth receiving the "Coup d'Or du Bon Gout Francais"-trophy in 1965. The sons, Pertti and Juhani in the background.
Tero Palmroth at the beginning of his designer career in 1975.
CEO of Partola Shoefactory, Juhani Palmroth and the Entrepreneur of the Year -award 1977.
President Urho Kekkonen visiting Tero's collection in 1978.
Leena and Pertti Palmroth recieving the Export Business-award from the President 1980.
Tero Palmroth, the first scandinavian in Indy 500 startup in 1988.
1978 - 2018 | 40th Anniversary of Tero Palmroth Design

Tero Palmroth Articles in Press

Sofis Mode no. 24, page 29
Sofis Mode no. 24, page 82
Stockholm Fashionweek Magazine no. 2, page 36
Stockholm Fashionweek Magazine no. 2, page 40
Stockholm Fashionweek Magazine no. 2, page 42
Stockholm Fashionweek Magazine no. 2, page 43
Martina Bonnier - Obsession, pages 76-77
Året Runt, no. 11, page 32
Damernas Värld, no. 14, page 1388
Rum hemma, n0. 6, pages 72-73
M-magasin, no. 14, page 79
Aftonbladet Wellness, no. 10, page 3
Aftonbladet Wellness, no. 10, page 16-17
Aftonbladet söndag, 9-10/9 Page 24
Aftonbladet söndag 27-28/11 page 25
Amelia no. 26 page 58
Cosmopolitan no. 10 page 56
Ica Kuriren no. 41 page 80-81
Solo no. 10 page 48
Solo no. 10 page 53
Expressen Mode & skönhet, 2-4/9, page 36
M-Magasin no. 6/2011
M-Magasin no. 6/2011
Me Naiset 20.4.2011
Aftonbladet Söndag 20-21/3 page 24-25
Aftonbladet-Söndag 20-21/3 page 28
Aftonbladet söndag, 13-14 mars, page 27
Me Naiset no. 10/2011
Anna 8/2011 Text: Kaisa Pohjanvirta Photo: Kristiina Kurronen
Anna no. 5/2011
Elle March 2011
Elle March 2011
Tara no. 4/2011 s67
Web article: Elle https://elle.se/stilguide-that-70s-show
Expressen February 2011 Text: Emma Danielsson
Femina no. 2/2011
Gloria February 2011 Text: Liisa Kokko Photo: Pekka Järveläinen
Svensk Damtigning no. 36/2010
Söndag 3/2011
Iltasanomat Text: Paula Bagge Photo: Ulla-Maija Lähteenmäki
Olivia February 2011 Text: Sanna Sierilä Photo: Julianna Harkki
Sara January 2011 Text: Iina Dillemuth Photo: Jouni Harala
Svensk Dam Tidning no. 8/2011 s38 Text: Janett Wågesson Photo: Stefan Ek
Damernas Värld no. 12/2010 p. 154-155
Amelia no. 4 01/2010
Chic no. 8/2010 p. 43
Glamour no. 10/2010
Svensk Damtigning no. 10/2010
M Magasin no. 9/2010
Svensk Damtigning no. 10/2010
Tara no. 2/2010
Text: Linda-Katarina Anderberg Photo: Stefan Fank-Jensen